Why Red Letters?
The inspiration for my logo and name came from the David Crowder song “Red Letters.”
“Then I read the red letters
And the ground began to shake
The prison walls started falling
And I became a free man that day”
When my boys were young they created their own dinnertime prayer “Thank you God for the Jesus.” At the time I didn’t think much of this prayer but as they grew I began to hold onto this prayer tighter and tighter as each year passed.
The Red Letters are Jesus.
His words and His heart for our lives and how to become truly free.
This song gave me the courage and direction to create something that I have dreamed about for over 20 years. To create a space and provide an opportunity to walk along and encourage others to Live their Best Lives.
♡ Debi Huckaby - Enneagram 9

The more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become-because He made us. He invented us. He invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be…It is when I turn to Christ, when I give up myself to His personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own.
-C.S. Lewis
There I was on death row
Guilty in the first degree
Son of God hanging on a hill
Hell was my destiny
The crowd was shouting crucify
Could've come from these lips of mine
The dirty shame was killing me
It would take a miracle to wash me clean
Then I read the red letters
And the ground began to shake
The prison walls started falling
And I became a free man that day
Felt like lightning hit my veins
My dead heart began to beat
Breath of God filled my lungs
And the Holy Ghost awakened me
Yeah, the Holy Ghost awakened me
When I read the red letters
And the ground began to shake
The prison walls started falling
And I became a free man that day
For God so loved the whole wide world
Sent His only Son to die for me
Arms spread wide for the whole wide world
His arms spread wide where mine should be
Jesus changed my destiny
Thank You, God, for red letters
When the ground began to shake
The grace of God started falling
And I became a free man that day
The prison walls started falling
And I am a free man today
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: David Crowder / Ed Cash